Monday, July 28, 2008

If you can't go to Holland, Holland can come to you...

This weekend we had a great time hosting two young girls from The Netherlands. Renske and Marjoleine are touring the US with the organization Atlantic Bridge and needed a place to stay during their stop over in Pittsburgh. We were thrilled to oblige.

I was amazed at how quickly they bonded with my kids. Jonah, especially, was just smitten with the attention bestowed on him by these two teenage beauties. Olivia was intrigued by their fashion-sense and their love of shopping. In fact we accompanied them to the malls two days in a row. They really loved Urban Outfitters at the SSW.

During their stay, Renske and Marjolein were introduced to bagels, corn on the cob (which they didn't like), frozen blueberries (a family favorite) and Star Wars. We, in turn, were introduced to a little bit of culture from the Netherlands. Who knows, maybe someday we'll get to visit and experience it all first hand.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A beautiful day biking the Burgh

Rested. Restored. Reminded. Ready

Tim and I had a great week with the older kids away. We got to embark on adventures that no longer avail themselves to a family of eight. However, being down to just two children, we decided to conquer the world. OK, maybe not the world, but certainly the Greater Pittsburgh area.

We started the week by biking downtown, beginning at the South Side Works and making our way over to the North Shore. All this while pulling two little girls along in their bike trailor. The afternoon offered the best summer weather that Pittsburgh has to offer and we relished in it as we took in the sights of downtown. Charlotte, in all her three year old enthusiasm loved the "ginormous" fountain at the Point, and Julianna, true to form, was a perfect angel throughout. The day ended with a late lunch at the Cheesecake Factory - mmmm.

Wednesday was another bike day, except this time we chose a little less adventurous trail, biking along the Youghiogheny River. All would have been well, had I not just gone running 6 miles earlier that day. By evening time I was exhausted.

The next morning we left early to drive 90 minutes to our friends lake house. We spent another gorgeous day outside, only this time it was boating, waterskiing and tubing. Three days later, my body is still recovering. I don't know if it will ever be the same.

God blessed us with a much needed time of fun and relaxation. And although we weren't completely away from home, we kept our chore time to a minimum. Even Tim fought every compulsion to check his email on an hourly basis. By the time we brought all our kids home this weekend, I felt rested, restored and ready to be Mom again. I was also reminded of how much I love being needed by so many little ones. As much fun as I had without them, I didn't feel complete until they were all safely back at home.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Raising good, little Republicans...Jonah walking in the July 4th parade with our County commissioner (I think he ate as much candy as he passed out)

A Happy Homeschooler riding the schoolbus for the first time.
VBS 2008

My House is Too Quiet...

After several very hectic weeks (so hectic in fact, I've had little time to write an entry), I've finally found some time and some solitude...a rare, but welcome mix. Four of my six children have been farmed out for a few days while Tim, the little girls and I enjoy some much deserved down time.

So what have we been up to? Three weeks ago our church had their annual VBS. My three oldest children attended and had a fantastic time. My oldest, Olivia, was particularly thrilled since her camp was offsite and she got to ride, for the first time in her life, the big yellow school bus. A homeschooled child is thrilled by such simple pleasures.

After VBS, my big sis Sharon and her son, Alex, came north from South Carolina to stay with us for a week. They primarily came to meet Baby Julianna (who incidentally is now an obscene 4 and half months old - where does time go?). Our house served as home base for them as family members came here to visit, which gave me the opportunity to play hostess, a role that I delight in. They also enjoyed a "Pittsburgh Day" where my sis introduced Alex to the highlights of the Burgh - Heinz Field, the Strip District, Primantis. French fries on sandwiches?... we Pittsburghers are a strange breed, what d'yunz think?

After my southern guests left, we were invaded by family from the North...Tim's brother Jeff and his family stayed for a few days and we got to meet their newest member, Baby Alyssa. It was great having all the cousins together. And although Nolan and Jonah love their two girl cousins, they were most smitten by Uncle Jeff's Wii. (Guess what Santa will be bringing next Christmas).

So that brings us to this week. The two older ones away at Church camp, the middle children being spoiled at Grandma Dee Dee's, and the two youngest girls sound asleep in their beds. When's the last time my house has been so quiet AND clean for such an extended period of time?

Tim is taking a few days off to spend time at home. And although we would have loved to vacation somewhere just the two of us, a nursing baby makes that nearly impossible. So we'll be staycationing at home, enjoying those activities that we rarely come by with six kids in tow - trail biking, dining out, shopping, and visiting friends. And yes, even enjoying the loud silence.