Saturday, January 24, 2009

Congress's Favorite Things

Polar exhibits at Rhode Island's Zoo
Water slides, museums and jet hangers too
Money to hault prostitution rings
These are a few of our favorite things

Refunds to those who don’t pay any taxes
We know it makes no sense, oh but the fact is
Obama has won and we know that it stings
But now congress gets all our favorite things

CHORUS: Mass inflation 'cross the nation
Makes our voters sad
But then we think of all our pork-barrel projects
And then we don’t feel so bad

Millions will go to support contraception
Billions to fund roads, and oh did we mention?
They’re certain conditions this stimulus brings
White males won’t share in our favorite things

We want to “stimulate” our re-election
But we pretend it’s for your own protection
That it will be 2 more years 'til we bring
All our constituents’ favorite things

CHORUS: Men like Limbaugh make O’s skin crawl
Gets him very mad
If the voters get thinkin’, they’ll find he’s no “Lincoln”
And then things will go so bad.


mrsdkmiller said...

Actually, he's very much like Lincoln, who loved to suspend the constitution for his own purposes and then make it sound like he was saving the nation. See Walt Williams piece (on my FB page) and the book he wrote the foreword to, The Real Lincoln.

tripmom827 said...

Amy, You're awesome! This was totally creative and very funny. We've got to keep our sense of humor these next four years!!